Letter & Welcome From Dr. Bradley
As you remember, one day I came across some old medical textbooks on hydration, diet, and nutrition and slowly started connecting some dots that even with all my training I had not yet been taught, let alone put together.
I found out that the “healthy” food pyramid or food plate as outlined by the United States Department of Agriculture is outdated. This should come as no surprise as the USDA is not a medical agency and likely has other interests to consider.
I tried keto, paleo, vegan, vegetarian, and mixed them into pegan (paleo-vegan), megan (vegan-plus-meat), carnivore (meat only), and considered some loopy diet of only eating fruit for a while - man, I’m telling you, if it is out there, I tried it or researched it.
And while I got some temporary “relief” (weight loss and some reduction of symptoms) with most of these non-standard diets - none were sustainable and all of them had their problems.
So I put together the best of the best - the best foods, with the densest nutrients, with the least noxious or destructive properties to the human system and developed the Plan that you are now reading and will soon reap the benefits of..
This exact Metabolic Detoxification Diet is the first line of defense and the first part of the foundation that we teach to our EPIC clients, who also receive personalized lab testing, concierge medical services, private health coaching, weekly group video conferencing with the EPIC providers, and an amazing and engaging online community - the list goes on and on. And what we know, beyond measure, is that those clients that commit to following this very simple diet plan get better more quickly and stay healthier longer.
Be epic, always,
Dr. Jason Bradley, ND, DC, DSc, PScD, IFMCP, MA