Unit 2: The EPIC Five Plan Metabolic Detoxification Diet Program Basics
As I mentioned, this diet came out of over two-decades of observations in patient-care, the input of thousands of private clients, the brilliance of many health coaches and providers, as well as the best-of-the-best concepts and practices from too many sources to even begin to compile.
Needless to say, this guide and easy diet structure, as well as the amazing outcomes noted by people who have completed and continue to follow this Plan, was built on the shoulders of giants.
The entire goal of this Plan is to help your body lower inflammation by removing highly inflammatory foods, “reset” the immune system by giving it a rest from the most noxious foods, and bulk up the diet with nutrient-dense foods.
Most of our clients do not ever count calories or weigh portions, but, instead, listen to their bodies for clues of true hunger and keep themselves well-hydrated to not confuse thirst with hunger (which is easier to do than one would think).
The authors of a Purdue University study speculated that in primitive times, hunger and eating along with drinking and thirst were much more tightly coupled, but that modern environmental factors such as cheap and plentiful food and calorie-counting beverages (the subjects got the majority of their fluid from such beverages) have weakened these connections (https://medium.com/@BSXTechnologies/how-drinking-more-water-5b5b94a610cb).
By simply following this plan, staying hydrated, and listening to your body, you will likely experience what thousands of others have reported: weight stabilization, more energy, less pain, better focus and mood, increased libido and an overall improvement in happiness and general wellbeing.
EPIC Five Plan Food Pyramid:
The EPIC Five Plan Metabolic Detoxification Diet has its own food pyramid to help you visualize the importance of each category in relationship to making food choices as well as quantities.
You’ll notice that there are five food categories that you will want to make sure that you get in each day: Vegetables, Healthy Fats, Healthy Proteins, Berries, and Acids, all of which are briefly discussed below - and are easy to incorporate into your daily diet by simply following along the outlined diet that follows.
But you will notice that at the base of the pyramid, we added water (hydration). Fundamentally, we can survive a much longer time without food, sometimes even months, but we will not survive more than a few days without water.
And, as previously noted, dehydration, which affects up to 80% of Americans, is often mistaken for hunger - so we eat. Is it any wonder we are the most overweight nation on this planet (with nearly 75% of all Americans overweight or obese).
If you keep yourself hydrated, you will likely be less hungry and become more “in tune” with your natural hunger signals.
In fact, by simply following this diet, it is likely that your hunger/satiation signals will be “reset,” thereby lowering the pressure and noise “to eat” by multitudes.
Sub-Components of the EPIC Five Plan Pyramid:
As we’ve discussed, proper hydration is the key to proper detoxification as well as optimum health. So we have made hydration the foundation, or base, of the rest of the EPIC Five Pyramid.
It is estimated that up to 80% of Americans are dehydrated.
The symptoms of dehydration are increased inflammation and pain, fatigue, fibromyalgia and arthritis “flares," brain fog, migraines and even increased blood pressure and delayed wound healing.
As was shared, the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine suggest that the average female needs about 100 ounces of water intake daily and the average male about 125 ounces.
There are tests to determine your hydration status (e.g., something as simple as a urine specific gravity test to a complex bioelectrical impedance analysis), but my best advice is to try to listen to your body.
Don’t mistake thirst for hunger - if you’re in America, the chances are you are not starving (but this is not to diminish the estimated 15 million households in America that are food poor).
Start by hydrating first thing in the morning.
This tells your cells that you are in a state of abundance and available nourishment/hydration, which is a literal “green light” for your cells to be at their optimum!
Then keep a fairly large water bottle with you at all times.
The instant that you empty the bottle, refill it at your next convenience. Keep water with you at all times. And drink it regularly. Prioritize this.
Vegetables are broken into three categories with a recommended five-to-thirteen cups total, with a minimum of three cups each within each category (with some overlap as you will see): Leafy Greens, Cruciferous, and Colored (Non-Nightshade).
Together, these vegetables are full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, glutathione, fiber, prebiotics - really a cornucopia of abundant benefits.
In fact, the following represents some of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. You’re welcome ;)
Leafy Greens (recommended three cups total) include Salad Greens, Microgreens, Spinach, Arugula, Collard Greens, Cabbage, Beet Greens, Watercress, Mustard Greens, Swiss Chard, Endive, Bok Choy, Turnip Greens - Really, any greens are likely a good choice :)
Cruciferous Vegetables (recommended three cups total) include Broccoli, Cauliflower , Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Kale , Radishes, Arugula, Onion , Garlic , Watercress, Horseradish, Mustard Greens, Collard Greens, Kohlrabi, Turnip, Daikon, Wasabi, and Bok Choy.
Colored Vegetables (Non-Nightshade) (recommended three cups total) include Beets, *Squash (*no skin, no seeds), *Zucchini (*no skin, no seeds), Carrots, Purple Kale, Kohlrabi, Purple Cabbage, Sweet Potatoes, Yams, Swiss Chard, Radish, Mushrooms, Purple Asparagus, *Pumpkin (*fresh, “meat” only, no skins, no seeds), Purple Brussel Sprouts.
Healthy Fats:
Not all fat is created equally. Some are “healthy” and some most notably aren’t.
A general rule of thumb is: Omega-Three’s are anti-inflammatory. Omega-Six’es are more inflammatory. And Omega-Nine’s are neutral.
The following is a list of the healthiest fats generally agreed upon by Nutritionists and Functional Medicine providers:
Animal Sources: *Ghee, Organic, Pasture-Raised , *Butter, Organic, Pasture-Raised, *Organic, *Pasture-Raised Beef or Duck Fat/Tallow, *Organic, Pasture-Raised Goat or Sheep Cheese, *Organic, *Pasture-Raised Egg Yolks(*Very Limited, meaning one or less servings weekly, and none on the first “detox”)
Vegan Sources: Extra Virgin Olive oil (EVOO), Avocado oil, Coconut oil, Flaxseed oil, Walnut oil, Sesame oil, Hemp Oil, Avocados, Flax Seeds, Chia Seeds, Hemp Seeds
Healthy Proteins:
Proteins provide the necessary amino acids required for cellular healing and function.
This is why vegans are some of the toughest clients - their bodies are craving proteins, but there are so few options that most vegans become “carb-eaters” by default.
While there is an ongoing argument about how much protein you should get in a given day, there is much agreement on a few things: 1. Eat more fish and seafood; 2. Eat less charred meat;
Healthy Protein Choices include Turkey Breast (Organic, Pasture-Raised, Unbreaded) , Chicken Breast (Organic, Pasture-Raised, Unbreaded), Fish-Tilapia, Salmon, Drum, Tuna, etc. - (Organic, Atlantic, Wild-Caught, Unbreaded), *Red Meat (beef, bison, etc. - not pork or pig products) (Organic, Pasture-Raised, Unbreaded) (*Very Limited, as above and not on first “detox”), *Organic, Pasture-Raised Egg Whites (Very Limited, as above and not on first “detox”)
Protein Powder Options:
We are also asked (constantly) for recommendations for protein powders, and while we don’t recommend these types of products and we don’t not recommend these types of products, we do understand the utility. The two protein powders we feel comfortable recommending are: Bulletproof Collagen Powder (unflavored, unsweetened) and Designs For Health Vegan PurePea (lectin-free).
You’ve probably caught on that fruit is not recommended on the EPIC Five Plan - other than berries.
This is primarily related to two main things: 1. Nutrient-density - berries are some of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet with vitamins, minerals, and massive antioxidants; and 2. Berries are usually low on the glycemic load charts (meaning low in available sugars).
Berries with seeds on the outside are preferred, but any “berry” is likely okay in moderation and limited amounts.
When you want a sweet, go for berries. It is a better choice than almost anything else remotely related.
Berries (1 - 1 ½ cups) included on the EPIC Plan are Raspberries, Blackberries, Strawberries, Blueberries, Bilberries, Acai (including the seeds), Cranberries, Mulberries, Chokeberries (Aronia), Maqui berries, Lingonberries, Elderberries, Noni berries (whole, not juice), Pomegranate “berries” (whole, including the seed, not juice).
You’ll also notice fruit juices are not recommended.
Make this your go-to sweet, add to your smoothies, and keep all other “sweets” out of your system - and I bet your “Bliss Point” or sweet tooth is a lot more tame than ever.
Acids are important for a number of reasons.
Flavor comes to mind first, but also digestion of proteins. Stomach acid and the acids in apple cider vinegar (and other vinegars), lemon or lime juice, and other cooking acids help to break down hard-to-digest proteins.
Another function of acids is that they help to eliminate pathogens (bacteria, fungus, yeast, mold, etc.). Pathogens are everywhere and the acid helps to kill off some of these nasty bugs.
Acid also helps to stimulate the pancreas to release digestive enzymes and helps stimulate the liver/gallbladder to release stored bile to help with fats and hormones.
Acids recommended on the Plan are Organic, 100% Pure Lemon Juice (fresh or bottled), Organic, 100% Pure Lime Juice (fresh or bottled), Organic Unpasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar (like Bragg’s), Organic Vinegars (white, dark), and Fermented or “pickled” foods (that are also otherwise on the EPIC-approved lists).
We typically don’t worry about the amount of food on your plate.
We have seen over and over again that when you provide nourishing, nutrient-dense foods and keep the system hydrated, the body will respond by craving less food...and with feeling better and better.
One rule of thumb: If you are trying to lose weight, but aren’t, even on our plan, consider eating smaller portion sizes. Start with half-a-plate of food and reevaluate. Many of us overeat and don’t know it. On the flip-side, if you are trying to gain weight, eat more - especially fats and proteins. In both cases, please know there could be other factors to recommend beyond the capacity of this guidebook (e.g., exercise). If you feel strongly that this is not the issue, or that something may be medically significant, please talk to your personal medical provider or, if you are an EPIC private client, please reach out to your Health Coach.