A Note On Lectins & Your Lectin Prep Guide To Minimize Lectin Exposure
Lectins are proteins produced by plants to ward off animal and insect predators.
They are generally noxious to the body and often induce immunological and inflammatory reactions.
The most famous lectin is gluten, known far and wide for its destructive properties, but gluten is merely one of thousands of lectins produced by plants.
And lectins are what give tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, and peppers the nickname of deadly nightshades.
It is generally agreed upon that lectins should at least be minimized or, in many cases, avoided.
Lectins are primarily found in non-tree nuts, seeds, grains (including most of the “gluten free” grains and flours), legumes (like all beans, soy, and peas) - and also in the meat and fat of the animals that eat these foods, again, a reason to eat pasture-raised animal products and meats.
We have found that when lectins are removed, symptoms often much more rapidly resolve - and sometimes come right back if there is a lectin exposure.
The EPIC Five Plan was developed to minimize potential risks and we have done everything we can to minimize lectins and their potential damage to you system.
Additional Suggested Reading:
The Plant Paradox, by Dr. Steven Gundry, MD