Unit 1: Beginning Your EPIC Five Plan Detox Diet Program
The following EPIC Five Dietary Plan is a sample plan. It does not have to be followed exactly, but is provided as a guide to the right way to eat during this stage.
HOWEVER, we have found that those that strictly follow this sample diet plan have far more success than those that stray or alter the plan, other than altering to remove food sensitivities/allergies/intolerances that are known.
After we present the basics of the diet, we will be sure to cover the “whys and whats” of the Plan (e.g., “Why shouldn’t I eat foods high in Lectins? And what the heck are lectins?”), we will outline how to personalize the EPIC Five Plan Metabolic Detoxification Diet with Food Sensitivity testing and the Personalized Food Plan Workshop.
NOTE: If you do not know your food sensitivities, EPIC Functional Medicine Center has a Comprehensive Food Safe Sensitivity Profile (190 Foods) and a Live Interactive Small Group Health Coach Class (online, hosted by Zoom) on interpreting your results and customizing your diet in a Personalized Food Plan Workshop to maximize your ongoing results from the EPIC Five Detox (total value $575) available for only $500! Email: [email protected] and use the code EPICFIVEMATRIX to claim yours and truly understand your diet!
It is important that you avoid the foods that should be avoided at all costs; and that you take in an adequate amount of proteins, vegetable-based carbohydrates, and fats as suggested.
And in an ideal world, we wouldn’t eat the same foods more than twice in one week, rotating our sources nearly daily, to avoid developing an intolerance or sensitivity - but please don’t let this relatively small piece of a much larger picture hold you back from making the important commitment which is to follow the diet program as outlined. Keep it simple.
Above all, water is the most important nutrient - we can live weeks - even months sometimes - without food, but we will usually die without water for longer than three days.
If you have any concerns, you should, of course, speak to your own personal health care provider. And if you are an EPIC client, you will be working through this part of the EPIC Five Program with your personal EPIC Clinician and Health Coach.
Be diligent, take control of your health and enjoy the benefits for a lifetime.
While we recommend returning to this structured EPIC Food Is Medicine “Detox” at least quarterly, if you are like thousands of others, committing to following this diet ongoing will help you reap the rewards of a happy and healthy life!