Unit 4: Strategic Shopping & Nutrition Label Shortcuts
We have heard over and over to define a few terms (e.g., organic, free range, etc.).
In this unit we will throw out definitions - and a few tips.
“Organic” is a term that means no synthetic compounds were used to grow or process the food.
Just because something is “organic” doesn’t mean it is healthy. RoundUp, the cancer-causing pesticide, is actually an organic substance (organo-phosphate).
And printing the word “Organic” on a box of cookies doesn’t make them any less destructive to your health.
Stay away from boxed, canned, wrapped, packaged, and otherwise processed foods and try to buy “organic” whole, fresh, real foods - and you won’t get fooled by misleading marketing. :)
Free Range Vs. Pastured/Pasture-Raised
Short story: Get Pasture-Raised meats, eggs, and butters. The grass-fed animals have a much higher omega-three (anti-inflammatory) fat content than their grain-fed peers.
Free Range is a step up, but usually these are still grain fed.
Go with Pasture-Raised. You’re welcome :)
- Total Fat – It all matters what TYPE of fat? Avoid most vegetable oils, such as soybean oil, corn oil, safflower oil or any non-organic oil if you can. But don’t obsess.If it is a healthy fat, like coconut, grass-fed beef jerky – rejoice at the high number of fat – this is good for you!And of course, all trans fat is out!
- Cholesterol – unless you are “ApoE” positive, don’t worry about this one much, especially if you have the previous type of fat covered. In fact there is evidence that individuals with higher cholesterol levels may live the longest
- Sodium – a little salt will likely not hurt you but avoid foods high in sodium. Even better advice: avoid processed foods - do this and the sodium content is likely not even an issue.
- Total Carbohydrate – Here is the place to pay attention and dig deeper. If the total number of carbs is much higher than the fat & protein added together, you need to use in moderation or find a way to add in protein/fat into the recipe. Otherwise, you will have a metabolic reaction that is counter-plan.
Are the carbs organic or at least non-GMO? (Assume all wheat, corn, and soy are GMO unless otherwise stated.) GMOs contain residual pesticides that kill the good bacteria in your guy we are trying to build.
High fiber numbers are good! High sugar is obviously NOT good!
So look for high fiber and low sugar. And ideally just avoid boxed, canned, wrapped, packaged, or otherwise processed foods and stick to the EPIC Five Plan.
Rule of Thumb: If you add the total grams of fat + total grams of protein + total grams of fiber and it is over half of total carbs, it is a “better” choice.