Unit 3: We’re All Living In a Toxic World
Let’s face it: The world is a toxic place.
Whether it is the chemicals we pour on our crops and dump into the ocean, or the junk we let into our lives through various news and media sources, we are bombarded by toxic junk everywhere we turn.
In her book, Detoxify Or Die, noted expert on environmental toxicity Dr. Sherry Rogers, MD suggests that if we somehow could perfectly control all the water, food, and air for all known safety and purity standards, and we did everything we know to do to clean up the already-polluted environment, and we did this best-case scenario for a full century - 100 years - that at that time, one hundred years from now, every newborn baby would still have toxic chemistry in their blood.
That is how toxic we are.
So what should we do? Is there any hope?
It turns out there is - and it is called: Control whatever you can control.
And with the EPIC Five Plan Metabolic Detoxification Diet, we keep this simple:
- You can control the food you eat.
- You can control when and how much you eat.
- You can control the amount of water you drink on a daily basis.
The following are some resources for you to consider.
Toxic Food
Lately, unfortunately, it seems that hear another story of someone developing or dying from cancer related to the foods they are eating.
Whether it be the massive victories against giant chemical manufacturer Monsanto/Bayer for lying to the FDA and the general public about the safety of RoundUp (glyphosate) (https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/13/business/monsanto-roundup-cancer-verdict.html) or the FDA itself saying our food is polluted (https://www.webmd.com/diet/news/20190605/fda-tests-find-toxic-chemicals-in-food), there is no question: we need to rethink everything we know about food and food production - we are literally killing ourselves.
Fortunately, by making some informed decisions, avoiding certain chemicals, and trying to stick to unprocessed, organic foods as the main staple, we will be making huge inroads.
Sometimes shopping organic can be a little more pricey (although, surprisingly, not as much as you would think, and generally far better for you than the alternatives).
And thankfully, the Environmental Working Group (or EWG, ewg.org) puts out a decent guide every year of foods that you can choose not to “go organic” for budgetary or other reasons (deemed “The Clean Fifteen”) and foods you should always “go organic” with (called “The Dirty Dozen”).
EWG Guidelines, edited for EPIC Five Plan
The following is edited from the EWG’s Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen to be in alignment with The EPIC Five Plan Metabolic Detoxification Diet. On-Plan food choices have not been crossed off. And there are many more food choices on the shopping lists - we recommend organic food across the board, but here are some decent guidelines to start with:
Toxic Household
Check your shampoo’s ingredients once in awhile and see if you understand half the chemicals put into it. If you cannot pronounce (let alone verify) the overwhelming majority of the chemicals in the ingredients list, or if it contains any of the ingredients listed below, you should do your best to slowly re-stock and replace your current shampoo, conditioner, cosmetics, and cleaners around the house with products that do not contain harsh chemicals.
This Seems Like A Little Much. Why Are You Getting This Detailed?
The bottom line is that these chemicals are put on to and absorbed through your skin pores when you shower or wash your hands and can be potentially harmful to you and your family. We are not asking you to do everything immediately, we are simply presenting the education and asking you at the very least to listen to what we have to say and put into practice when you are able.
Aren’t We Splitting Hairs A Bit?
Not at all. This is not nitpicking or splitting hairs. All of this is completely necessary in the long run to have optimum health and the more you know the more you can protect yourself from the daily misconceptions of the conventional medical paradigm. We love and appreciate our patients and we need to bring them the most updated information as possible and in order to get awesome results we need to get as detailed as possible. Many of the harsh chemicals found in household cosmetics can interfere with what we are trying to do which is to propel you to the highest caliber of health humanly possible. You wanted the highest form of health care and this is it, in order to give you a greater caliber of health we need to get a little personal.
What Cleaning Products Do You Recommend?
There are a myriad of fantastic household cosmetic organic options in stores but, at our home, we exclusively use the Thieves product line by Young Living.
If you would like more information or to purchase Young Living products at a discounted rate, simply CLICK HERE.
Follow the prompts and when asked your member invite code is: 13701096
Transparency Alert: Rachel and I are “distributors” for YL and we do make a small bit of dollars for everyone that joins. We want you to know this and also to know that 100% of these dollars are donated equally to Operation Underground Railroad, which seeks to end human trafficking, and Vitamin Angels, which distributes micronutrients to those children and pregnant women most in poverty and in need. So, besides cleaning up your house, your membership will be helping hundreds of thousands of people from all around the world. I want to personally thank you for helping us here :)
Additional Suggested Reading:
Detoxify or Die, by Sherry Rogers
Tox-Sick, by Suzanne Somers