Understanding & Addressing Your Root Causes to RECLAIM Your Health
Your Instructor
Dr. Jason Bradley, ND, DC, CN, DSc, DPSc, DABAAHP, DAARM, AFMCP, MA has dedicated his career to identifying and addressing the root causes of chronic illness through a groundbreaking whole-systems medicine approach known as Functional Medicine.
He is both a naturopathic and chiropractic physician specializing in metabolic and nutritional medicine, a well-published author who can be read in a variety of magazines and newspapers, and a recognized leader in his field.
Through his private practice, education efforts, writing, research, advocacy and public work, he strives to improve access to Functional Medicine, and to widen the understanding and practice of it, empowering others to stop managing symptoms with more and more medication and instead address the true underlying causes of illness, thereby also tackling our chronic-disease epidemic.
Course Curriculum
Start⬇️ DOWNLOAD and 🖨️ PRINT: Module One Handouts
Start⭐ Module One Overview with Dr B (11:56)
Start🧠 MINDSET: Developing Your Big Why Statement (11:37)
Start🧠 MINDSET: How Others Benefit When You Are Your Best Self (4:38)
Start🧠 MINDSET: Developing Your "I Am" Statement
Start🧰 PREPARATION: Your Main Support Person (People) (11:25)
Start🧰 TOOLBOX: Supplement Tracker
Start💪 TRAINING: The Importance of Hydration (3:55)
Start✅ ACTION: 14-Day Hydration Challenge (2:10)
Start✅ ACTION: Removing Gluten & Cow Dairy (23:15)
Start🧪 LAB MASTERY: The Big Picture Of Your Health (10:58)
Start🧪 LAB MASTERY: Inflammation and Acute Phase Reactants (18:34)
Start🧪 LAB MASTERY: The Basics of Methylation and Homocysteine (16:03)
Start🧪 LAB MASTERY: Anemias (25:45)
Start🧪 LAB MASTERY: The CBC and Identifying Autoimmunity (21:16)
Start🧪 LAB MASTERY: The Thyroid (47:12)
Start⬇️ DOWNLOAD and 🖨️ PRINT: Module Two Handouts
Start⭐ Module Two Overview with Dr B (12:51)
Start🧠 MINDSET: Transforming the "Three T's" (aka, Traumas, Toxins, and Thoughts) (7:55)
Start💪 TRAINING: Detoxification Basics
Start💪 TRAINING: Toxic Food, House & Cosmetics (2:02)
Start💪 TRAINING: The EPIC Five Plan Detoxification Diet Basics (6:04)
Start✅ ACTION: Preparing Your House and Work Spaces For Success (2:06)
Start✅ ACTION: Complete Days 1-7 EPIC Five Plan Detox Diet (5:34)
Start✅ ACTION: Detox Week One Check In (2:34)
Start🧪 LAB MASTERY: Food Sensitivities (22:48)
Start🧪 LAB MASTERY: Leaky Gut (26:07)
Start✅ ACTION: Complete Days 8-14 EPIC Five Plan Detox Diet (14:44)
Start✅ ACTION: Detox Check In Post - Week Two
Start🧪 LAB MASTERY: Heavy Metals (10:38)
Start🧪 LAB MASTERY: Stool Testing (47:49)
Start✅ ACTION: Complete Days 15-17 and Days 18-21 EPIC Five Plan Detox Diet
Start✅ ACTION: Detox Check In Post - Week Three
Start💪 TRAINING: The EPIC Five Plan Diet: Diet After Detox