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EPIC Five Plan Launch
Module One: Mindset/Preparation, Essential First Steps & The Big Picture of Your Health
✅ ACTION: Begin Your Lab Testing
⬇️ DOWNLOAD and 🖨️ PRINT: Module One Handouts
⭐ Module One Overview with Dr B (11:56)
🧠 MINDSET: Developing Your Big Why Statement (11:37)
🧠 MINDSET: How Others Benefit When You Are Your Best Self (4:38)
🧠 MINDSET: Developing Your "I Am" Statement
🧰 PREPARATION: Your Main Support Person (People) (11:25)
🧰 TOOLBOX: Supplement Tracker
💪 TRAINING: The Importance of Hydration (3:55)
✅ ACTION: 14-Day Hydration Challenge (2:11)
✅ ACTION: Removing Gluten & Cow Dairy (23:15)
🧪 LAB MASTERY: The Big Picture Of Your Health (10:58)
🧪 LAB MASTERY: Inflammation and Acute Phase Reactants (18:34)
🧪 LAB MASTERY: The Basics of Methylation and Homocysteine (16:03)
🧪 LAB MASTERY: Anemias (25:45)
🧪 LAB MASTERY: The CBC and Identifying Autoimmunity (21:16)
🧪 LAB MASTERY: The Thyroid (47:12)
🧠 MINDSET: Developing Your "I Am" Statement
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